Invariance principles for labeled mobiles and bipartite planar maps
Jean-François MarckertLAMA, Universite de Versailles-Saint Quentin
, Grégory MiermontEquipe Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation, Bat. 425, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France
November 27, 2006
A class of labeled trees, called mobiles, was introduced by Bouttier-di Francesco and Guitter in order to generalize the bijective studies of planar maps initiated by Cori-Vauquelin and Schaeffer. We prove an invariance principle for rescaled random mobiles associated with bipartite random planar maps under a Boltzmann distribution. We infer that the latter converge in a certain sense to the Brownian map introduced by Marckert and Mokkadem, which encompasses results of Chassaing and Schaeffer on quadrangulations (although in a slightly different context). These results are derived from a new invariance principle for a class of two-type Galton-Watson trees coupled with a spatial motion, which are shown to converge to the Brownian snake.
Key Words: Random planar maps, labeled mobiles, invariance principle, spatial Galton-Watson trees M.S.C. Code: 60F17, 60J80, 05C30 1 INTRODUCTION, MOTIVATIONS AND MAIN RESULTS
1 Introduction, motivations and main results
1.1 Planar maps
A planar map is a proper embedding of a graph into the two-dimensional sphere , considered up to any homeomorphism of the sphere. A connected component of is homeomorphic to a disk, and is called a face. The degree of a face is the number of edges that constitute its boundary (with the convention that an edge included in a face is counted twice). In this paper, we consider only bipartite planar maps, i.e. maps such that the degree of any face is an even number.
A pointed map is a map in which a vertex is distinguished. When dealing with a pointed map, we may label each vertex by the length of the minimal path of edges linking this vertex to the distinguished one (the “geodesic distance” to ). A root in a pointed map is then a distinguished non oriented edge . By the bipartite nature of the map, the two ends of such an edge have geodesic distances to of the form and , so the choice of a root is the same as that of an oriented edge starting at the vertex with least label.
Figure 1: On the first picture, an element of . Its distinguished edge is , the distinguished node is . The degree of the face where is written is 6. On the second picture, the nodes are labeled by their geodesic distance to the distinguished vertex. On the last picture, a labeled mobile.
Among all the families of maps, one of the best known is that of quadrangulations, because of the famous bijection of Cori & Vauquelin [10] between planar rooted quadrangulations and well labeled trees, and its description by Schaeffer (which can be found in [28, 9, 22] ). Informally, well labeled trees are planar trees in which nodes are labeled by integers subject to a positivity constraint. Using this bijection:
Chassaing & Schaeffer [9] established that the longest distance to the root in uniform rooted quadrangulation with faces divided by converges in law to the range of the Brownian snake (with lifetime process the normalized Brownian excursion), Chassaing & Durhuus [8] showed that unscaled uniform rooted quadrangulation with faces converges locally to a measure on infinite quadrangulations, Marckert & Mokkadem [22] give a description of quadrangulations in term of the gluing of two trees, and show that these trees converge when suitably normalized as goes to . They introduced the notion of Brownian map, and show that under a certain topology, rescaled quadrangulations converge weakly to the Brownian map.
We refer also to Angel & Schramm [3] who proved an analogous result as Chassaing & Durhuus for rooted triangulations, but their proof is based on a Markovian construction of triangulations rather than bijective methods.
1.2 Boltzmann laws on planar maps
We denote by the set of bipartite pointed rooted planar maps with at least one edge, and by , and the subsets of consisting of maps with faces, vertices, and both faces and vertices, respectively. It is natural in our setting to add a cemetery point in , which we call , and which we understand as a “map with no face”. In the sequel, unless otherwise specified, the term map is understood for “pointed, rooted, bipartite planar map”, and we will simply write as a shorthand for .
The goal of the present paper is to give asymptotic results generalizing [9] and [22] to several other “Boltzmann laws” on bipartite maps conditioned to have a large number of faces or vertices.
Let be a sequence of non-negative weights non identically zero. Consider the -finite measure on that assigns to each map a weight per face of degree :
where denotes the set of faces of , and where is the degree of the face . By convention, we set . This multiplicative form is reminiscent of the measures associated with the so-called simply generated trees, which is of the form for any tree , where is the number of children of , and where is a sequence of non-negative numbers (Aldous [1,p.27-28] ). We will be interested in probability measures associated with in the following way. If , we can consider the conditional probability distribution on Similarly, we can consider the probability distribution as soon as . If moreover is finite, we can consider the Boltzmann probability distribution on defined by We will see that when certain “criticality” hypotheses on are satisfied (Definition 1), under or several features of random maps satisfy an invariance principle. This is summed up in Sect. 4.4by saying that such rescaled random maps converge to an object called the Brownian map, hence obtaining a generalization of [22] . In particular, we are able to give asymptotic results for the diameter and the profile of a large class of random maps, hence encompassing (in principle) results by Chassaing and Schaeffer [9] , which are obtained in the quadrangulation case, where . We also mention that it would be natural to look for asymptotic behavior of maps under the conditioned measure , but we were not able to rule this out by our methods.
Remarks. The reason why “in principle” is that Chassaing and Schaeffer work in the slightly different context of rooted maps, but which are not pointed. Considering these objects would lead us to extra non-trivial technicalities. Typically, pointing and rooting allows to consider freely labeled mobiles below, while simple rooting lead to considerations on labeled mobiles with a positivity condition. In a recent paper, Le Gall [17] has shown an invariance principle on labeled trees conditioned to be positive. His results imply the convergence of rescaled uniform rooted 1 INTRODUCTION, MOTIVATIONS AND MAIN RESULTS quadrangulations to the Brownian map.
Notice that the law of under always charges every point of , so that is always non-zero. However, this is not always true for . More precisely, if we write the support of as , then the maps that are charged by are exactly those having faces of degree for some integer sequence with finite support. By Euler’s formula, such maps have vertices, so that has a maximal span which is the g.c.d. of . In the sequel, when conditioning on we will therefore always tacitly suppose that is chosen among the admissible values.
1.3 Labeled mobiles, and the BdFG bijection
Consider the infinite regular planar tree (by convention ). For , we let be the concatenation of the words and . Recall that a planar tree is a subset of containing the root-vertex , and such that if , then for all , and . Seen as a map, a tree is canonically rooted on the oriented edge where is the left most child of . We denote by the set of planar trees. We let be the number of children of .
Every tree has a canonical bipartite coloration of its vertices, which can be of two kinds and , and such that the root-vertex is a . We let and be the sets of vertices colored and in a tree , respectively. For reason that will appear later, we call such a colored tree, a mobile. In a rooted mobile, the root is canonically assimilated to an unoriented edge, since it naturally inherits an orientation from the fact that the root vertex is a .
A labeled mobile is a pair where is a mobile and is a function satisfying the following constraint. Suppose has father , and let be the neighboring vertices of , arranged so that is the vertex following when going clockwise around , with the convention that . Then satisfies
We let be the number of possible differences that respect this constraint. By adding to each of the numbers , one sees that this is the same as the number of compositions of in positive parts. Hence
When dealing with rooted mobiles, we will always suppose, unless otherwise mentioned, that the root vertex has label . We let be the set of rooted labeled mobiles, and be the subset of those satisfying and . The main tool for studying the laws introduced above is the bijection of Bouttier, Di Francesco & Guitter [7] generalizing that of Schaeffer.
Theorem 1(Bouttier, Di Francesco & Guitter [7] ) There exists a one-to-one correspondence between and with the following properties. It maps to the tree with label 1, and for any and , the restriction of to is a bijection onto . Next, for , letting , each vertex of corresponds to a face of , and the (total) degree of is half the degree of , each vertex of corresponds to a vertex of , the graph distance of any vertex of to is equal to .
We describe the bijection in Section 4.1and show that it has some useful additional properties.
Among these is the possibility to generalize the representation of quadrangulation as the gluing of two trees (given in [22] ) to bipartite maps.
1.4 Projection of on mobiles
Now suppose that is a -distributed random planar map. Then by Theorem 1, letting be the associated labeled random mobile, we can write, for any fixed labeled mobile , 1 INTRODUCTION, MOTIVATIONS AND MAIN RESULTS
where denotes the number of children of the vertex in , and where we have used for any mobile . Now, by definition of and the properties of the BdFG bijection, letting , we may rephrase this by saying that under , the mobile has distribution and the labeling of the mobile is uniform among all possible conditionally on . More precisely, given , for each with father and children , the sequence of differences is uniform among the possible, independently over ’s.
Now, the finiteness of the measure plainly entails that
is finite at , so we can define a probability measure
and write
where But it is easy that this measure must itself be a probability measure since is one. Therefore, we get that , and is the geometric distribution with parameter , Therefore, we see that the study of Boltzmann random planar maps boils down to that of certain two-type Galton-Watson trees (see Sect. 2), that could be called “bi-generated trees” in our context, with a certain uniform labeling on their vertices. This and the forthcoming discussion in Sect. 2motivates calling a weight sequence critical if the associated two-type Galton-Watson process is, i.e. if , where are the respective means of .
This is easily equivalent to , and by (5) this can be rewritten as follows.
Definition 1A weight such that is said to be critical if
where is the left-derivative of . Equivalently, is critical if and only if the graphs of and are tangent at . We say that is regular critical if moreover the radius of convergence of is , i.e. if has small exponential moments.
Our main results dealing with maps (Theorems 5, 6, 7) are proved under the assumption of regular criticality for the weight sequence. Let us however discuss more specifically on conditioned probability measures. It is straightforward from (1) that
Lemma 1Fix . For any such that , the conditional laws are all equal to a single common distribution. Similarly, for any such that , the conditional laws share a common value.
Therefore, when we are concerned with conditional laws , we will suppose that there exists some such that and is regular critical, respectively that there exists some such that and is critical, and focus on this critical weight. This changes respectively to and . It is also true that conditioning both on the number of faces and vertices is insensitive to termwise multiplication of by , so this would lead to finding a curve of ’s such that is critical. We do not concentrate on this last point, as our methods are unefficient in conditioning on both these data.
1.5 Overview of results and organization of the paper
It is therefore natural from (6), and the conditional law of the labeling discussed above, to look for a general invariance principle for labeled two-type Galton-Watson trees together with a branching spatial motion. We call such random labeled trees “two-type discrete snakes”. The trees we are interested in have an anti-diagonal mean matrix, i.e. particles of a type give birth exclusively to particles of the other type. In Section 3, we show such an invariance principle under fairly general hypotheses, namely that the (critical) offspring distribution has small exponential moments and that the spatial displacement between vertices, which need not have the same law for each type, and may depend on the number of children of the current vertex, has moments of order that vary at most polynomially with . Under these hypotheses, it is shown in Corollary 3and Theorem 4that critical rescaled discrete snakes converge to the Brownian snake (see [11] and definitions below) driven by a Brownian excursion distributed according to the Ito excursion measure, while conditioned discrete snakes converge to the Brownian snake driven by a standard Brownian excursion. The invariance principle is proved in Sections 2and 3and is interesting in its own right. It uses an ancestral decomposition of trees (Sect. 2.4) with a marked vertex, that was considered in a different form and context in [15] . This invariance principle improves over past literature [19, 13, 14] in two ways:
First, it allows two types instead of only one, so that Theorem 2below showing that the unlabeled critical two-type trees with finite variance converge to the Brownian continuum random tree generalizes previous results [2, 19, 11] , although we expect that the assumption of small exponential moments could be relaxed to a plain second moment condition. See [23] for the general irreducible multitype case.
Second, it allows the spatial displacement to depend on the local structure of the tree, namely of the type and the number of neighbors of the different vertices, which seems not to have been considered before. Except for the exponential moment assumptions, we expect that the hypotheses of the invariance principle are close to the best possible, see [14] .
We specialize the invariance principle to the distributions above and the particular labeling of mobiles associated with Boltzmann random maps in Theorem 5, Sect. 4.2. We use this result in Sect. 4.4to show that such random maps converge once properly rescaled to the Brownian map. As a corollary, we obtain for example the following generalization of the result of [9] . Let be the Ito measure of the standard reflected Brownian motion, i.e. is supported by continuous functions on some compact subset of with , with zero value at the boundary and positive on . We let be the Ito measure of the head of the associated Brownian snake, i.e. with first marginal and such that given , the second marginal is the law of a centered Gaussian process with covariance . Similarly, we let be the law of the head of the snake driven by a standard Brownian excursion, i.e. the same distribution as above but where is replaced by the law of the standard Brownian excursion with unit duration.
Now suppose that is a regular critical weight sequence, and let
Let be the radius of , i.e. the maximal distance of a vertex to the distinguished point. Then
Corollary 1(i) For any and under , the law of the rescaled radius given converges weakly to where is the diameter of the Brownian snake 1 INTRODUCTION, MOTIVATIONS AND MAIN RESULTS (ii) As , under , (iii) As , under ,
1.6 Two examples
We conclude this section by giving explicitly the constants mentioned above in two particular cases.
1.6.1 -angulations
Let be an integer, and consider the case when , for some constant . The resulting distributions are the Boltzmann distributions on the set of maps with face degree fixed and equal to , as in [8] in the case of quadrangulations (such distributions also appear in [4] for triangulations). Then , and the equations and are solved by and determine a unique value for . We thus have obtained the value of , which makes critical, i.e. while the partition function is . Obviously, is also the largest allowed value for that makes a finite measure, i.e. so that admits a solution.
In particular we check , as in [8] , and . Notice also that the constant appearing in (ii), Corollary 1is in this case, as in [9] . Notice that conditioning on the number of vertices is equivalent in this case thanks to Euler’s formula (up to trivial renormalization constants).
Let , and let , so that the weight of a map is , where is the set of edges of . In this case, is defined for , and the only interesting cases in our setting are for .
Now, the equation has two real solutions when , and these are given by These two solutions merge into a unique one at , which is of course the value making critical, as can be double-checked by solving , whose solution is . This gives in the critical case, while . The conditional version with respect to the number of vertices can be seen as the finite measure putting weight on each element of (i.e. ) conditioned with respect to the number of vertices ; notice that in this case a conditional version with respect to the number of faces does not exist since for all .
Figure 2: Example 1.6.1: drawing for and (dashed) in the case of quadrangulations. Example 1.6.2: drawing for and (dashed)
2 Critical two-type discrete snakes
2.1 Planar trees
We begin with some generalities on planar trees and forests. Recall the definitions of Sect. 1.
We let be the length of the word , which is also the height (graph distance to the root) of if considered as a vertex of some tree. For a tree and , let be the restriction of to the first generations. For we let be the fringe subtree of rooted at , and the pruned subtree. For , we let and be the ancestral line of back to the root.
The depth-first order on a planar tree is the order relation induced by the lexicographical order. We let be the -th vertex in depth-first order. We also define the depth-first traversal, or contour order of a tree with edges as a function: which we regard as a walk around , as follows: , and given , choose, if possible, and according to the depth-first order the smallest child of which has not already been visited, and set . If not possible, let be the father of .
A forest is a finite or infinite sequence of trees . The depth-first order on is naturally defined as the linear order matching both the depth-first order on each and the order in which the appear. We define similarly as above for a forest .
Finally, for a forest , we let and , and define the height process and the contour process by interpolating linearly between integer abscissa. We also let and . See Fig. 3.
Figure 3: A forest, its height process, and its contour process. On this example and
2.2 Prerequisites on monotype Galton-Watson trees
For a probability measure on the set of nonnegative integers, we denote by the law of a single type GW tree with offspring distribution . We denote by the conditions that is non-degenerate, critical and has small exponential moments, namely: We denote by the law of a forest with trees, in which the trees are distributed and independent.
We begin by giving some results on monotype forests that will be crucial for further study.
The following result improves over known tightness results for the rescaled height process of a Galton-Watson forest. Its proof as well as those of Lemma 2and 3are postponed to the Appendix at the end of the paper.
Proposition 1Suppose . Under , for every , the -Holder norm of is uniformly tight in , namely, for every there exists such that Moreover, the same conclusion holds for the contour process .
Notice that the conditioned analog of this proposition, i.e. under the probability laws instead, and in the case of the contour process, is a consequence of the work of Gittenberger [13] .
In the unconditioned case, to the best of our knowledge, Proposition 1has not been shown before.
Our proof is partly inspired by [11,Theorem1.4.4] , which is a kind of continuous counterpart of the present proposition.
The two following lemmæ will allow to give bounds on the maximal vertex-height and the number of trees visited before the -th vertex of a forest in depth-first order.
Lemma 2Let be a distribution satisfying . In a -forest, for every , there exists such that for large enough,
Lemma 3Let be a distribution satisfying and be a -forest with trees.
For any and , there exists , such that for large enough
We finish this section by stating Aldous-Le Gall’s theorems for convergence of the height process for conditioned tree (see also [19] ), and for forests, that can be found respectively in [2, 11] .
Proposition 2Under hypotheses :
(i) Under , for the uniform topology on compact subsets of , where is the variance of and is a standard Brownian motion with local time process at given by (which is normalized to be the density at of the occupation measure of before time ). Moreover, the same conclusion holds for the processes instead of .
(ii) Under , whenever the conditioning event has positive probability, the process for the uniform topology, where is a standard Brownian excursion. The same result holds with instead of .
2.3 Two-type Galton-Watson trees
Let be a pair of integer valued probability distributions with means and , respectively. We denote by the set of assumptions : We consider two-type GW trees with laws and in which :
– the ancestor has type for and for , – an individual of type gives birth exclusively to individuals of type according to the law , – an individual of type gives birth exclusively to individuals of type according to the law , – the progeny of distinct individuals are independent random variables.
Under the assumption , under or under , is a.s. finite (see Proposition 5). So the law is characterized by (For replace in the last formula by and by ).
Notation In the sequel, unless otherwise mentioned the probability will denote , i.e. the law of a tree rooted at a individual. We will then denote by and the sets of vertices of with even resp. odd height.
Similarly, for we let be the law of a forest constituted of independent GW trees, all rooted at a individual. In particular, is naturally identified with .
2.4 Ancestral decomposition of a Galton-Watson tree
A key result for our study is a multitype version of an ancestral decomposition for Galton-Watson trees, related to the so-called size-biased Galton-Watson distribution. Let be the size-biased versions of the probabilities . The size-biased Galton-Watson tree is an infinite tree containing a unique spine, i.e. an infinite injective path starting from the root, and its distribution is defined as follows. The root is assigned a number of children with distribution , and a distinguished child is chosen uniformly among these. On all children but the distinguished one, independent trees with distribution are grafted, while the distinguished child has an independent number of children with law . Again, one of these is chosen uniformly and distinguished. Independent trees with law originate from the undistinguished ones, and the distinguished one has offspring with law , and so on, so that one uses distributions at even generations, and at odd ones. We let be the distribution of the resulting infinite tree, and we denote the infinite distinguished path . We let be the distribution of under , and we denote by a random variable with this law. We also let or according to being even or odd.
Similarly, for , let be the law of a forest of independent trees all with law except for the -th one which has law , where is uniform on .
Lemma 4(Ancestral decomposition for Galton-Watson forests) For every and nonnegative functions (notice that by definition is a forest, while is a tree).
Otherwise said, if a vertex is taken according to the counting measure on , then its height is distributed according to the measure on with weight on , and given , are independent with respective laws and .
Notice that when , we can bound Proof. This lemma is essentially deterministic, in that one can take of the form for some particular with say . It is then easy that the expectation we are looking for is just the probability where is the unique forest satisfying . The subtrees originating from the spine are then plainly independent with the claimed laws , and independent of the structure of the spine. The latter is constituted of and the brothers of , whose respective numbers are with probability 2 CRITICAL TWO-TYPE DISCRETE SNAKES which we rewrite and the first product corresponds to the probability of choosing the distinguished vertex at height , while the factor amounts to choosing the place of the distinguished tree in the forest with roots. Hence the result. 2 CRITICAL TWO-TYPE DISCRETE SNAKES
2.5 Criticality and the tree of grandfathers
We now use a natural reduction of two-type trees obtained when squeezing all the odd generations, i.e. by considering only the descendence of vertices. More precisely, given a tree , we define recursively the reduced tree (also called the tree of grandfathers in the sequel) starting from the root, by letting the children of the root in be the grandchildren of in , taken in depth-first order, and letting the children of these be the corresponding grandchildren in , and so on. Formally, if is the number of children of in , and if the -th of these children has children itself, then root has children in , and we let . In stage , if we consider a vertex of which comes from a vertex of by our construction, we let be its grandsons in , and we map to , hence determining the children of in .
Figure 4: A two-type tree , the corresponding reduced tree , and the forest .
It is now obvious by definition that
Proposition 3If follows the law , then is a monotype Galton-Watson tree, whose offspring distribution has generating function
By differentiating this expression, we obtain that the mean of this new offspring distribution is , so it is critical by our assumptions. Also, we can similarly consider a forest of fringe subtrees rooted at the sons of the root of , and apply a similar transformation to all these trees, skipping every generation. Again, this gives a critical GW forest (with random number of trees), also called forest of grandfathers in the sequel. By differentiating twice the expression above we also obtain that the variance is finite, and in fact small exponential moments are finite. A quick computation gives that the variance of is (resp. for ), where
From the a.s. extinction criterium of monotype Galton-Watson trees, we also immediately deduce in our case the well-known extinction lemma for two-type trees:
Lemma 5Let satisfy and be a (or ) distributed tree. Then is a.s. finite.
Of course, the existence of small exponential moments can be lifted here. We also immediately get
Lemma 6Assume that the pair satisfies . The conclusions of Lemmæ 2and 3remain valid for -forests (and -forests) introduced in Section 2.1.
We now give a result similar to [20] in the case of single type Galton-Watson trees. For and let be the number of ancestors that have children exactly. Similar notations are taken for forests. The next lemma allows to bound the degree in large trees.
Lemma 7Assume that the pair satisfies . For every there exists such that for large enough,
Moreover, for every there exists such that for large enough,
Proof. Let . By first using Lemma 6as in Lemma 8, it suffices to bound and applying the ancestral decomposition, this is smaller than The sum contains two kinds of terms depending on whether is odd or even. Since and have small exponential moments, Markov’s inequality shows that, there exists such that, for large enough, , which gives (10). We obtain (11) by a similar method. 2 CRITICAL TWO-TYPE DISCRETE SNAKES
2.6 Repartition of -nodes and -nodes in two-type trees
Let now (resp. ) be the number of vertices of type (resp. ) occurring in depth-first order before the -th vertex of in depth-first order. It is immediate that
where by convention when . A similar inequality holds when is replaced by a forest , and/or by . The next lemma gives the asymptotic behavior for .
Lemma 8Under assumptions , for any there exists such that for large enough, and similarly with instead of .
Proof. Let be the total number of vertices that have been visited before exploring the -th , which we call (and which is counted in the number ). At time , one has visited all the children of the first -nodes except maybe some of the children of the ancestors of . Using Lemmas 7and 2, for any , there exists , for large enough, for any , Now, since the random variables are independent and have exponential moments, is concentrated around its mean, and one gets that for large enough, for any , The result on follows by a standard argument (it is uniformly close to the right-continuous inverse of ). The very same reasoning shows that is uniformly close to with high probability, where is the number of vertices visited before the -th vertex. An immediate consequence of this is
Corollary 2Under the hypotheses , the statement of Proposition 1remains valid in the two-type case, i.e. for every , there exists with
Proof. We bound The term in the middle is with high probability for large enough thanks to Proposition 1and Lemma 8, while the two others are bounded by by (12) and the fact that . Now this quantity converges to in probability by Proposition 2. Therefore, we obtain the desired bound when are such that are integers, and this is extended similarly as above to any by linear interpolation. 2 CRITICAL TWO-TYPE DISCRETE SNAKES
2.7 Two-type discrete snakes
We now couple the Galton-Watson trees with a spatial motion as follows. For every consider two distributions on .
We enrich the laws by associating with the children of every vertex of (given ) a r.v. with law if is even, and otherwise, and we suppose these variables independent over different ’s.
We call the associated probability. We let also and . In the sequel, the notation will stand for a labeled forest .Let , and define by linear interpolation between values taken at integers. Similarly, we let be the label of the -th vertex in depth-first traversal, and let be the associated interpolated process. It is convenient to see this construction as done on Figure 5:
assume that each node is drawn in the plane at position . The children of will be at position . Hence, the variable can be thought as abscissa displacements of th children of relative to .
Figure 5: At first a tree in which each node is marked with . On the second picture, is marked with , then one sees a representation in the plan using the variable as abscissa displacements. Then are represented on top and below . The small rectangle in this Figure illustrates that the process must be constant on the nodes encoded by
We denote by the -th moments of the one-dimensional marginals of and . We denote by the set of assumptions We will denote these two last quantities by for the sake of brevity. We let also be the variances of the -th marginal, and define
3 Convergence of normalized labeled forests
3.1 Convergence of the shape
so that .
Theorem 2Let satisfying ; under , where is a standard Brownian motion and is its local time at 0.
Remark. We suspect that the small exponential moments assumption is only technical, and that this theorem holds assuming only finite variance. However, dropping this assumption is likely to make all the proofs much more involved. The fact that convergence holds jointly for rescaled height and contour processes is an amelioration obtained in [19] , see also [11] , and we will exclusively concentrate on the height process in the sequel, referring the interested reader to the above references.
Proof. This is an easy consequence of the preceding results. From (12) and Proposition 2, we have that under , has the same limit as . By Propositions 2and 8and a standard argument using Skorokhod’s representation’s theorem, we obtain that the latter process converges to , and it suffices to use Brownian scaling and check that . The joint convergence with is then easy, using that for every . 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
3.2 Convergence of the labels
For a real-valued function, we let . Denote by the assumption The goal of this section is to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 3If , and are satisfied then is finite, and under , we have in , endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets, and where conditionally on , is a centered Gaussian process with covariance Similarly,
Remarks. In case of i.i.d. random variables , the minimum moment condition is the existence of a moment of order (see [14] ). There, since we allow the law of to depend on the degree (this is the case in the application to mobiles associated with random maps), the moments of order must exist and also must not grow too fast with the degree: the rate of growing depends on the apparition of nodes with large degree in the tree; this is ruled off by Lemma 7.
In fact, a joint convergence result similar to that of Theorem 2could be obtained here, but we do not concentrate on this. Also, the proofs will be done only in the case of the height process, the case of the contour process being similar, and easier in many ways (e.g. the analog of Lemma 11is straightforward).
From Theorem 3, we deduce, recalling the notations of Sect. 1.5,
Corollary 3Supposing , for any , the process under converges to under .
We will not give a detailed proof of this statement, as a very similar result appears in [11,Section2.5] , to which we refer the interested reader. Also, many other kinds of non-singular conditionings could be chosen instead of our choice on the diameter of the range of the process . We use this one because of the specialization to the mobiles associated with maps as discussed in the Introduction and in Sect. 4: the diameter of the range of corresponds to the radius of the map.
In order to prove Theorem 3, we must first control the behavior of the random variables involved in . This passes through the control of the largest degree in a our random trees, which is the aim of the following subsection.
3.3 Preliminary lemmæ
Now, for we let be the number of ancestors such that is even, , and such that is moreover in the -th fringe subtree . The quantity is defined similarly. We define the same quantity for forests rather than trees. Under a GW law (of a tree of a forest), we will unambiguously denote or by , and so on.
Lemma 9Let satisfying . For every , there exists such that for large enough, and similarly for .
Proof. Notice that the number of vertices under a vertex of height is . By Lemma 4, for a given , 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
where , and where on a probability space , are i.i.d. random variables with Bernoulli( ) law (which corresponds to the probability that where has law , and given , is uniform). Now Hœffding’s inequality says that if is a binomial variable with parameter and trials. Then for every ,
This allows to bound each term in the sum (16) by , and so the right member of (16) is where the is uniform on . To conclude, we have to remove the condition and to move the supremum on inside the probability.
The first point is done thanks to Lemma 6.
Second point : The left hand side of (15) is bounded by , if we add in the probability. Let us handle the larger than . For large enough, with probability , all , and thus all , are null for , and all (by Lemma 10). Thus with this high probability, for large, because has exponential moments.
The same reasoning applies to . The next lemma sharpens the preceding one, subject to relaxing a little the uniformity on .
For , we define the quantity to be the number of ancestors with even height satisfying , and for which and .
Lemma 10Let satisfying . For every , there exists such that, for large enough
Proof. Again we consider a forest with trees and bound up to losing an exponentially small probability. Also, notice that the number of vertices comprised between a vertex with height and its ancestor at height is .
For fixed , and for we write similarly as above 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
and this gives the result, using the same method as in the preceding lemma and choosing small enough. 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
3.4 Finite-dimensional convergence
The first step in the proof of Theorem 3is the following
Proposition 4Suppose that the pair satisfies , and that the displacements distribution and are centered.
Suppose moreover that for some . Then the convergence of finite-dimensional marginals holds in Theorem 3.
Notice that this statement shows that the finite-dimensional convergence holds even without the extra moment hypothesis. Also, note that under the hypothesis of the proposition, the variance associated with the limiting process is finite, because have small exponential moments.
Let us give the intuition for the one-dimensional convergence. By using Skorokhod’s representation theorem, we may assume that we are working in a new probability space on which all the discrete forests are living, and such that the convergence of to is almost-sure. In the remaining of the section, it is implicit that we are working on this new probability space, and all the probabilities are taken conditionally on . We write simply instead of .
Fix . If , we can rewrite
where the variables are all independent, and independent of and , with law the -th marginal of and respectively.
Since is approximately (with similar estimate for ), and since is approximately , it is expected that converges to a centered Gaussian law with variance which is what is wanted. Let us now proceed to the rigorous proof. We start with a
Lemma 11Suppose and that as , for some and . Then for every fixed , in probability as .
Proof. By definition of the r.v. is a sum of at most random variables corresponding to the variables that are present on the path . Let be the event For any , there exists such that
Indeed, consider a forest with trees for some . A negative jump with size at least in the height process corresponds to a run of at least nodes that have at least one child, when exploring the forest in reverse depth-first search. Since (because ), one sees that runs of consecutive children having at least one child is smaller than twice a geometrical random variable with parameter . Now, it is easy to prove that the maximum of i.i.d. such geometric r.v. satisfies (19). Using (11) for large enough, the event satisfies when goes to infinity. Using the hypothesis, for a certain , and this concludes the proof. Proof of Proposition 4. Let us prove the one-dimensional convergence. Thanks to Lemma 11, we restrict our attention to the values of , such that is an integer. We use a truncation procedure, that is we choose large and write where are the sum of (18) with ranging respectively from to and from to . Assume for a moment that for every ,
In this case, we can use Lemma 9together with the central limit theorem as in the first sum conditionally on , to obtain that a.s. converges in distribution as to a centered Gaussian variable with variance equal to the partial sum which converges to a normal variable with claimed variance as . Now still supposing (20) we write, for as soon as , then are chosen large enough. Therefore and the result is obtained by taking the sup and inf limits as , then letting and finally .
It remains to prove (20). Let be the union of the three events Then The first term of the right-hand side goes to as by Lemmæ 7, 9. By first conditioning on the , the second term can be rewritten and bounded by 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
By the assumption made on variances, and the fact that have small exponential moments, the second term converges to while the first converges to and this does converge to as .
The case of multi-dimensional convergence is similar, although some extra care must be taken because of nodes, where dependencies can occur. We only sketch the proof, referring the reader to [14] for more details. Let . Also, notice that for any forest and , the distance satisfies (it is in fact always equal to 2 except when is an ancestor of ). It follows that up to forgetting two steps in each branch, the lengths of branches of the subforest of spanned by the root and (a branch being a maximal chain of neighboring vertices with degree ), are determined by the vector Now, the proof of the one-dimensional convergence shows that the spatial displacements along each branch converge to independent normal variables with respective variances , where is the limiting renormalized length of the branch of the Continuum Random Tree, as the only dependent variables in the walks appear only at the nodes of the subtrees, which number is bounded by . This ends the proof. 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
Proposition 5If assumptions , and are fulfilled, the sequence of laws of the processes is tight in .
Proof. Our way of proceeding follows closely the arguments of [21, 14] . We know from Corollary 2that for every , and , with -probability arbitrarily close to we have for all ,
for all . We let be the intersection of the corresponding event and of the events where is chosen so that the probability of stays for any prescribed , and will be fixed later.
Our goal is to show that with high probability, there exists such that for every , and large enough, Notice that it suffices to show this property for all large and such that and are integers, which we suppose from now on.
Under , the number of variables to sum between and is the distance between these nodes, where , so is bounded by uniformly on (with integers) as soon as (21) holds.
Let be the highest common ancestor of . Let also be such that respectively belong to the fringe subtrees . Then we can rewrite 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
where the terms of the sums are all independent. Here, is the number of nodes in with even height, with children and for which is in the -th fringe subtree, and is the same but for , and similarly for , and the are independent conditionally on the , with law the -th marginal of , and so on. Then, using (32), we get for 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
where is such that for some and all . Let now for the same as in the definition of . Since , we deduce since the sum of all plus is . We then choose (recall ) so that , and since and are supposed to be distinct integers , this gives that for some and large enough.
Next, we have, applying the equality satisfied in to and , which is valid under , 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
for chosen close enough to and to and for some .
and this is bounded by quantities similar as above, and things are similar for conditioning by . Finally, for some , and since the probability of can be chosen as close of as wanted, this implies by standard considerations that the -Holder norm on compacts of the process is tight, and this implies the tightness of this sequence of processes.
This ends the proof of Proposition 5, and thus of Theorem 3. 3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS
3.6 Convergence of size conditioned discrete snakes
Lemma 12If hypothesis is fulfilled, we have along values of making these probabilities positive, where is the span of the law of under , and the span of under .
Proof. The first quantity is the probability that the grandfather critical tree has nodes.
This is computed thanks to the Otter-Dwass formula that can be found in [25] and the central local limit theorem (see [26,p.706] ). For the second quantity, write
First, . Then, thanks to the Otter-Dwass formula applied to the grandfather forest and the central local limit theorem. To conclude, use Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem in (22). The conditioning argument Let be a sequence of elements of ; let be an event on the set of forests with trees rooted on a -node. For large enough, under thanks to Lemma 12, For any sequence , , consider now events of the type for a given non negative function . We have The contents of this paragraph remains unchanged replacing by .
Hence, the probability of an event involving a tree conditioned by its size is controlled by the corresponding event for forests.
Consider a critical Galton-Watson distribution on two-type trees. Let (resp. ) the probability induced on by the conditioning by (resp.
), whenever these events have positive probability. Formally, Using the conditioning argument and Lemma 8, we get
Lemma 13If hypothesis is fulfilled:
Under , Under , .
3 CONVERGENCE OF NORMALIZED LABELED FORESTS Theorem 4If assumptions , and are fulfilled, under , (resp. under ), the process converges weakly to in endowed with the topology of uniform convergence.
Remark. The limit in the theorem is, up to a multiplicative constant, the head of the Brownian snake with lifetime process the normalized Brownian excursion. Convergence of discrete snake to the Brownian snake with i.i.d. increment (or that may be dependent between brothers) are proved in [9, 21, 14] . In the two last references, the space of convergence is , the space of the head of the Brownian snake : is the subspace of of functions that satisfy and for any . Here, the convergence holds also in . As a consequence, thanks to the homeomorphism Theorem of [21] , the convergence in and entails that corresponding two-type discrete snakes, suitably normalized, converge to the Brownian snake with lifetime process the normalized Brownian excursion.
Proof. Under , the grandfather tree of is a single type critical -GW tree conditioned to have size . By Proposition 2(ii), we have . Now, the total number of nodes in is, according to Lemma 8and the conditionning argument, concentrated around . The good repartition of -nodes in gives the results.
Under , the total number of nodes in is concentrated around .
The main difference with the proof of , if we think in terms of grandfathers forest , is that the conditionning is on the number of nodes in which has a random number of trees.
The first argument to identify the limit is the following : the number of trees in is ; it converges in distribution when (the arguments are given in the proof of Lemma 12).
Now, for any , if we condition to have trees and nodes, the normalized height process converges weakly to (when goes to ). Since the limit is the same for any , this implies that the limit is the same under the only conditioning by .
Let us establish the convergence of the label processes. We review now the arguments used for the convergence of label processes of forests, and shows that they can be extended when conditioning by the size of the tree. First, thanks to the conditioning argument, Lemmæ 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10and 11hold under the conditioning by or and the property proved holds for the conditioned snakes if one takes large enough. Then one follows line by line the proof of the finite fimensional convergence (in the proof of Proposition 4we use a Skohorod’s representation space on which converges to or converges to almost surely, depending on whether we are proving or ). For proving the analogue of Proposition 5, we only need an extension of (21). Such a formula is known for critical single type Galton-Watson trees conditioned by the size (simple adaptation of Lemma 1 in [14] ); then it is true for the underlying grandfather tree (or forest). 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
4 Asymptotics for maps
4.1 BDG’s bijection between bipartite maps and mobiles
We present here the construction of Bouttier & al. [7] for seek of completness.
Description of Consider a rooted pointed map , with distinguished node and root . We present the construction of , the rooted labeled mobile associated with (see Fig. 7).
1) Label each node of by , the geodesic distance to .
2) The construction takes place now in each face, independently : Let be a face of , with degree . Add in this face a -node. Since is bipartite, the difference between two consecutive labels around is or . Among the vertices of , select the ones immediately followed by vertices with smaller labels. Add now an edge between the -node and each of the selected vertices (see Figure 6).
) Remove all the edges of the original map. Only the distinguished node is isolated. Remove uneface
Figure 6: Step 2 of .
4) We obtain a tree in which the edges connect -nodes to labeled nodes of the original map :
consider these last nodes as -node (there are such nodes since only the root is isolated).
There are -nodes, one per face of .
5) Choose the root of the mobile as the first edge that links to the -node in the face adjacent to , to the right of .
6) Add to the label of each node.
The resulting mobile belongs to , call it .
Figure 7: Illustration of the application . The two arrows explain how to choose the root of .
Description of Consider a rooted labeled mobile with root . Up to renaming the vertices, we assume that is a -node and a -node. We now give the construction of . 1) Let be the minimum of the labels of . Add to each label.
A corner of is a sector with apex at a labeled vertex of and delimited by two consecutive edges around this vertex. We label each corner by the label of its apex. To each corner with label , we associate its successor defined as the first encountered corner with label when going clockwise around the tree (there is always a successor).
2) We construct the map associated with by first drawing an edge between each corner with label and its successor within the external face of and in such a way that no two edges intersect. This can be done due to the nested structure around of corners and their successors, namely : if a corner lies strictly between a corner and its successor , then lies between and (with possibly ).
3) Add an origin vertex labeled in the external face and view the unique sector around this isolated point as the successor of all corners labeled , which we therefore also connect to the origin via non-crossing edges. This is possible because each corner has its successor before or at the first encountered corner labeled ; hence all corners labeled are incident to the external face.
4) Erase all unlabeled vertices and their adjacent edges.
5) The result is a map that has faces and vertices. It remains to root it and to distinguish a node :
– the distinguished node is , 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS – the root, is the first edge of that starts from to the left of .
The resulting pointed rooted map is
Figure 8: Illustration of . The two arrows explain how to choose the root of . It remains to remove the labels.
4.2 Mobiles derived from random maps
In this section, we show how the invariance principles of Sects. 3and 3.6has to be interpreted in the context of the mobiles constructed from random maps. Recall the notations from Sect. 1, and consider the labeled mobiles under the laws or .
First, notice that contrary to what we considered in the two previous sections, the vertices in mobiles with law do not have a label, but this is a minor difference since we can suppose that they inherit the label of their respective fathers, so that the spatial displacement from any vertex to its children is . We therefore set , the Dirac measure at the origin of . Now, according to the labeling constraint (2) of mobiles obtained by the BdFG bijection, and the fact that it is uniform according to these constraints conditionally on , we naturally set, for any and , where .
From now on, suppose that is a regular critical weight, and we define as in Sect. 1.
Lemma 14The data satisfy the hypotheses . More precisely, For any , the distribution is centered. For any For any , .
in particular .
Proof. Since is regular critical, is plainly satisfied. Next, consider a -node with total degree (for ). Denote by , the neighbors of sorted in the depth first order (so is the grandfather of the other nodes). By the convention on , the distribution of is given by . The condition (2) on the labels can be rewritten where the are the integers with the convention . Now, let put balls in urns and note the number of balls in the urns . We have Then, is the distribution of and also the one of .
By symmetry, the mean of is 1 and then is centered. Let us compute its variance.
Using the urn representation, we obtain Now, 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
Note that the following sum does not depend on , Indeed, when one counts the number of possible choices of numbers among , one may specify at first that the th chosen is (with ) and then choose numbers in , and numbers in .
Using and , the numerator of (23) can be rewritten and then 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
Now, replacing by in (23), and bounding this quantity by , we obtain easily and . From (ii) in this lemma we easily deduce, by elementary computations:
Lemma 15The constants , and corresponding as in (14), (13) to the data of Sect. 1are given by for defined at (8).
As a corollary of this and Corollary 3, and Theorem 4, we finally obtain
Theorem 5Let be a regular critical weight. Then (i) Under and given for some , the process associated with converges to the head of the Brownian snake determined by (ii) Under , the process associated with converges to (iii) Under , the process associated with converges to
4.3 The profile of random maps
Let and . Assume that . The duration of the contour process of is twice its number of edges, that is . The type-vertices are visited at times . We want to consider only the labels of -vertices, and so we set and we extend linearly between successive integers. A consequence of Theorem 4and of Lemma 7is the following :
Corollary 4Theorem 5(ii) and (iii) still hold with instead of .
In this section, we consider the convergence of the profile of bipartite maps (this is the distribution’s generalization of Chassaing & Schaeffer [9] , where the convergence of moments were also proven in the case of quadrangulation). Consider and a rooted labeled mobile.
For any , let be the number of nodes with label in and let be the number of vertices at distance from the distinguished node in ; denote by the smallest label in the mobile. The sequence is called the profile of . As a simple consequence of the construction of , Similarly, denoting by , the integrated profile , we have Using the same argument as in [9] (see also [22] ), we get
Theorem 6(i) Under , (resp. ) the largest distance to the root converges in distribution to (ii) Under , (resp. ), the process (resp. converges weakly to in endowed with the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets.
4.4 Convergence to the Brownian map
The Brownian map is introduced in Marckert & Mokkadem [22] . Informally, it is the quotient of a continuous tree, where the equivalence class are defined with the help of a second continuous tree. We show that normalized bipartite maps converge to the Brownian map. Most of what is done here is a generalization of [22] , where the work was based on the bijection between quadrangulations and “labeled trees”. We will be sometimes a little bit sketchy referring the interested reader to the above reference.
4.4.1 Bipartite maps as a tree glued on a second tree
Consider a rooted labeled mobile with root (such that is a -node and a -node). To obtain a representation of with the help of two trees, we need to reroot the mobile on one of the -node with minimum label. We need also to keep the tracks of and : they are necessary to build the root of . We denote by the rooted labeled mobile obtained from by rerooting it on the edge , and with labels, the labels of plus , where is the integer belonging to .
The label of the root-node of is 1, and are equal as unrooted unlabeled trees, the difference between the labels of neighbors are the same in and . Let denotes the addition modulo . For any , and for any , On , is visited at time and at time . Hence, the variable suffices to reconstitute and .
Let be the first visit time of a -node with minimum label. We will often write instead of . The mobile has positive labels. We now build the rooted pointed map from .
Construction of from The process contains all the informations needed to build the edges of .
(1) Add in the plane the point , and for draw the node .
(2) For , add an edge in the plane between and where encodes the successor of the corner encoded by in as on Figure 11. That is : draw the edges in such a way that the edges do not cross, and in such a way that the edge surrounds from above the edges that start from abscissas lying between and . The set of nodes and edges drawn is a tree (see [22] for a proof ); we call this tree .
(3) We call the underlying tree of . Its contour process is . Each node of (but the root) corresponds to a -corner of : for , the node of corresponds to the node visited at time in . Glue the nodes of that correspond to corners of the same node of in such a way that the edges do not intersect. (On Figure 12, glue the nodes of that correspond to corners of the same node of below the tree. They are specified by horizontal 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS doted lines).
(4) Choose the root and the distinguished node of : the distinguished node is the point added in (1). In , and are visited at time and . To get the root of , we have to turn around , starting from on the right. Proceed as on Fig. 12.
Remark. One may also construct the root of on (before the gluing of the nodes of ). is the node on . is the last node in the list with successor , and if such a node does not exists, is the successor of (this is the case on Figure 11).
Figure 12: Drawing of the doddering tree on the gluer tree.
The two trees and are called doddering tree and gluer tree, respectively, in [22] . The doddering tree contains all the edges of the maps and, as one guesses easily in view of Figure 12, using the gluer tree one may reconstitute the original map. For this, draw on the contour process of as on Figure 12 : place the root of in the plane (not on the graph of ). Then, for , place the th node of on the th corner of . Now, it remains to use a deformation of the plane, in order to “glue” together the corners of the gluer tree, corresponding to the same nodes. This is possible as one may imagine easily on Fig. 12in considering the horizontal line as elastic strings. One may also proceed, as on Fig. 13where two first gluings are done. At the end, it remains to remove the doted lines and the -nodes.
Remark. We have constructed the map with the help of the labeled mobile (given by the BdFG bijection), which itself has been encoded by the triplet where, is the contour process of , the value is used to reconstitute the root of , and by construction
Proposition 6Setting , the process is the height process of .
4.4.2 Asymptotics of and
In order to get the asymptotics of the trees and under or , we follow and modify slightly when needed some arguments given with considerable more details in [22] . We recall the operation of rerooting of a normalized labeled tree defined for any by
,where for any ,
where the additions in the arguments are modulo 1. This may be understood as follows : is the encoding of a labeled tree (that may be continuous) for which is the contour process of the underlying tree , and is a labeling of the nodes of . is the encoding of a labeled tree which is obtained from as follows: reroot on the corner (that is visited at time using the contour order), and add to each label (this fixes the root label of to 0). We refer also to Aldous [1] p.40 for this operation of rerooting. We are particularly interested by the rerooting on , the first minimum of the label process :
The application is invertible (note that, it would not be without the first coordinate ). The pair corresponding to the head of the Brownian snake under will be called the head of the positive snake. We refer to Le Gall & Weill [18] and Le Gall [17] for properties of and its occurrence as a limit of conditioned spatial trees.
Lemma 16Under , is uniform on and independent of .
Proof. First, according to Lemma 16 in [22] (see also [18,[Prop.2.5] ), a.s.. The law of is preserved by rerooting (see [22] ) and . Then is uniform in [0,1]. Now, let us check the independence. Suppose that reaches its minimum once. For any , . Hence, in each class stable by rerooting, the positive representative is independent of . Recall that in mobile a -node is labeled as its father.
Proposition 7Under (resp. ), the process converges weakly to
Proof. First, the weak convergence is a consequence of Corollary 4and the fact that under , the process reaches a.s. its minimum once. Indeed, the applications and then are continuous on the space of continuous functions that reach their minimum once, and so one may conclude using Billingsley [6,Theorem(5.2)] . Since a -node has the same labels as its father, it is clear that is a real that encodes a -node. Hence, one may check that , and that the processes and coincide on . Denote by the contour process of . By Proposition 6and 7,
Corollary 5Under (resp. ), the process has the same limit as given in Proposition 7.
For any , set . The process converges weakly to
This is also a consequence of the general result, proven in [22] , that asserts that if the space normalization is not trivial, the contour process and the height process have the same limit.
4.4.3 Abstract map and Brownian map
We saw that bipartite maps can be obtained with the help of two trees and thanks to a “gluing procedure”. The last theorem says that the codings of these trees converge. The idea now is to use the convergence of trees to define the convergence of maps. Some changes appear in the present paper as compared with [22] :
– Here the maps are rooted pointed instead of being only rooted.
– Here, the natural traversal for both trees is the clockwise traversal.
– Here instead of .
– Here and are random (conditionally on or ).
We recall now few points of the definitions of abstract maps and abstract trees. We modify them slightly in order to take into account the list of differences given above.
Abstract trees Consider the set of continuous functions from to that satisfy . For any , we introduce the equivalence relation in , We denote by the quotient space and we consider the canonical surjection from in : For short, we write sometimes instead of and we say that is a representative of .
Let be the set of finite measures on and for set the image of the support of by . A pair is said to be a tree-encoding if it satisfies:
Let be a tree encoding. For any and in , set It is not difficult to check that is a metric on .
Definition 2Let be a tree encoding. The rooted tree encoded by , we write , is the metric space . The function is called the depth first traversal of . The elements of are called points of , the elements of are called nodes of . The class is called the root-vertex of . The set of corners of is . The set of corners around a point is . The corner 0 is the root-corner.
Set of trees We denote by the set of trees. Let be the application defined for elements of by with and where is the repartition function of . The application is a metric on .
Definition 3Let and let be an application from to the set of corners (i.e. ) of . The 3-tuple is said to be admissible if the three following conditions are satisfied:
is an injection.
is decreasing : if in , then in .
If and are two nodes in such that (that is and are corners of the same node in ), then the depth of and the depth of in are equal.
Let be -admissible. We define an equivalence relation: for , we say that
For we set . A class is either a point of , or the set of the nodes of glued with (the node included), or the root of .
Let be the set
Definition 4Let . The space is called the rooted pointed map encoded by (rooted in the root at , and marked at ). We denote this space by .
We denote by the set of rooted pointed maps. We refer to [22] for topological aspect of abstract maps.
Remark. For any and any , set where the infimum is taken on the set and where is the metric in . Each element defines a path in the map : between and it is the image by of the geodesic between and in .
Since and are glued to build , in the map, .
The application defined for any by is a metric on . For discrete maps, this metric coincides with the graph distance.
This metric is called the ”quotient metric” in [5] . It is somehow the maximal one compatible both with the metric on and the fact that equivalent points of should be at distance .
The metric space is therefore the simplest candidate for being the limit e.g. in the Gromov-Haussdorf sense of discrete maps seen as metric spaces. Unfortunately, proving (or recusing) this assertion would require a lot more information than only the geodesic distance from a fixed point in the map, and seems unreachable by our methods.
The set of maps Consider the application defined by: where for , and where the function measures the amount of nodes of the doddering trees glued on the corners interval of the gluer tree . The application is a metric on .
4.4.4 Normalized bipartite maps and abstract maps
We now represent normalized bipartite maps as abstract maps in the sense introduced above.
For this, we need two steps :
We need to normalize the doddering tree and the gluer tree and endow these objects by a corner measure.
Identity the gluing injection that sends the nodes of the doddering tree in the set of corners of the gluer tree.
Let or simply be a labeled mobile and set .
We set The application is the application sending the th node of on the th corner of . Consider marked at (to mark the corner visited at time in the normalized doddering tree or to marked the root is equivalent and). The rooted pointed is called the normalized bipartite map.
4.4.5 Rooted pointed Brownian map
Consider the head of the positive snake. Let and for , set The application is defined for any by . Consider a random variable independent of . We set and consider the element , which we call the rooted pointed Brownian map.
4.4.6 Convergence to the Brownian map
Theorem 7(i) Under , the sequence converges weakly to (ii) Under , the sequence converges weakly to
Proof : By Lemma 16the marked point is asymptotically uniform and independent of the rerooted snake. As in [22] , under or , the function converges weakly in to . According to the definition of , the Corollary 5suffices to conclude. Appendix Proof of Proposition 1. We prove only the statement for the height process, which is more irregular than the contour process. Indeed, if and are the rank in depth-first order of the vertices visited in rank in contour order, then . Now, if the conclusion of the proposition holds for , from , it will also hold for .
Recall e.g. from [11] that if we let be the Łukaciewicz walk associated with the forest , then the height process of is given by
Under , is a random walk on with centered step distribution on , and thanks to the time reversal property we have which is the number of (weak) records of until time .
Now, suppose are such that . Write . Using (27), we have
and the rest of the proof will consist in estimating the moments of the two terms above, which correspond to the lengths of the branches of from down to their highest common ancestor. Thanks to the time-reversal property mentioned above, the first term is equal in distribution to the number of (weak) records before .
Let . Let , and be the -th record time, i.e. the -th time such that . Then it is easy and well-known that form a sequence of i.i.d. random variables. Moreover, since is centered and its increments have finite second moment under , it is a consequence of the proof of [12,XII,7Theorem1a] and the discussion before that the Laplace exponent as for some (Feller considers the case of strict ladder epochs, but the treatment of weak ones is similar). Now, for any , and integer , 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
for some and every large enough. Therefore, the same kind of bound, with possibly larger , holds for every , and since are distinct integers, we showed that uniformly in such , where .
Let us now handle the second term in (28). Using time-reversal, we see that this equals in distribution, where (with the convention ). By using Markov’s property at time , this has same distribution as , where is defined as above, while is an independent copy of with maximum process .
By monotonicity of this is less than where .
Let us prove that for every , for some . To this end, notice that
and it is a classical result of fluctuation theory that the variables are independent with common distribution , so their mean is , where is the variance of , and notice that these variables have small exponential moments. Now, the usual large deviations theorem shows that for some and for every ,
Now, using (29) in the second equality, 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
Now, as soon as is large enough, i.e. , where is defined before (30), the probability in the second integral is bounded by if we further ask . Thus the wanted bound on . By the independence of , we conclude that 4 ASYMPTOTICS FOR MAPS
where we used Doob’s inequality , since is centered. Now we use the following consequence of Rosenthal’s inequality [24] : if are independent centered random variables (not necessarily identically distributed), then for every there exists such that
This shows that for some , for every such that , and therefore the same kind of upper bound holds for the quantity in (31).
Putting things together, we have obtained that for every and some , Since is defined by linear interpolation between integer abscissa, it is elementary that a similar estimate holds when taking the supremum over all , up to taking a larger .
The proof of the usual Kolmogorov’s continuity theorem (see e.g. [27] ) entails the result. Proof of Lemma 2. This result follows an approach taken in [20] , using again the Łukaciewicz walk, and can be found in [16] . We therefore only sketch details. We bound the probability under consideration by , then use the fact that is equal in law to , the number of weak records introduced above. Then, using (29) and a moderate deviation theorem allows to bound for some and large, so it suffices to show that for some and large, and this is easy by a standard maximal inequality and applying the proof of the standard large deviations theorem. Proof of Lemma 3. By the Otter-Dwass formula, the probability that a forest with roots has individuals is given by , where is a random walk with step distribution equal to the offspring distribution of the GW process. Now, letting , REFERENCES
the lemma is deduced thanks to a classical moderate deviations estimate, using the fact that has small exponential moments. References
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